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Jo Parrott sourcing organically reared PGI Welsh Lamb from Snowdonia National Park
Local prize winning grass fed PGI Anglesey beef
Our History
The Parrott family have been synonymous with farming in Staffordshire for many generations. Growing arable field crops and home reared prize winning livestock.
Prize winning bull
Anglesey Fine Foods was founded in May 2017 by Adam & Joanne Parrott after Adam gave up his corporate career in the north west going back to his farming roots and supporting Joanne with her new venture at Anglesey Fine Foods.
The Past - Helping with the harvest
14 years old Fred Parrott junior sitting at the controls of a heavy combine harvester. Fred had already harvested 80 acres of his fathers 200 acres of wheat and barley.
The Present
A traditional butchery offering a bespoke service.Â
Sustainability, animal welfare and provenance is at the heart of our ethos. We buy from many local Welsh suppliers and support local non-food businesses too. We welcome retail and trade customers, supplying many local hotels and restaurants offering a refrigerated delivery service to your door.